About Us

Sometimes the best and most valuable tools, are the ones you treasure

At GingerMan; our range of handcrafted knives, engravings, tools and services is specialised to you.

Our goal is to provide the best customer satisfaction. It's a clear choice for where to shop. So, welcome to GingerMan.

Due to EU knife law, we cannot sell blades over 3 inches long for outdoor use. 

Knives for indoor use can have longer blades.

For personal knives, you have to submit the use for the knife for safety purposes.

Our prices are for a standard knife design but may vary depending on design features and dimensions.

Submit your design before ordering and we'll give you a quote on your knife order. It may take 1-3 weeks for your knife to be crafted. 

Your design MUST have the following:

Clear measurements

Clear design features

Clear instructions